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4 years ago
Paying for College

Rendering help to students in need.

Hi guys, it's me David. I brought out this question just to encouraging you guys in helping students who don't have money. I know that you guys too are having difficulty in paying school fees but the little that you you give out to Students the Lord will reward you abundantly. I have not been in school for over a year and I will soon be finishing high school. My Dad has been helping me with my studies by teaching me at home, but I really want to go to school. I do know why the Lord is leading me today to ask you guys for your help maybe if you help me the Lord will reward you abundantly. Pls guys help me because I really need some money to pay my school fees or buy some textbooks to help me in my studies. Pls college vine I really need your help and I know that the Lord will bless all those who help me abundantly in Jesus name. Amen.


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2 answers

Accepted Answer
4 years ago

It's always scary when you think of the future and it's completely unknown, I feel you there. Just know that whatever happens, it's going to be okay. Yes, I know that sounds super cliché and maybe even unrealistic, but you'll look back and see so many ways you were blessed that you might've not even realized in the moment. God knows what He's doing and He wants what's ultimately best for you!!

As for the money stuff.....

I don't know a ton about this, but based on what you've said you should be able to apply for financial aid. And of course there are always plenty of scholarships available, there are some great sources on Collegevine that know all about that! (I'm counting on y'all "scholarship of the day" people). I'd look into as many of those as possible if I were you. Of course they'll take work, but you seem like a hard worker so just keep doing what you're doing!! Oh, and I forgot to mention this, but they do have scholarships available on Collegevine--just click on the money bag symbol at the top--by earning Karma. These probably won't be sufficient to pay for all of college tuition, but like you said, every little thing helps. I think it's great that you're raising awareness for your situation, and I hope you succeed. Good luck:)

4 years ago

You can start entering the scholarship drawings and possibly win. There’s a lot of good ways you can get started. You can edit people’s essays, send the link to a friend and each of you get 25 karma. If you want to make money there’s jobs you can do online. Wyzant is a great website to tutor and make money. A lot of people will pay $20 an hour. I hope this helps.

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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


Low accuracy (4 of 18 factors)

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