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3 years ago
Paying for College

with applying for tons of scholarships, what else is there on the financial front for college?

I know scholarships are a good way to get money for uni, but with the chances being more like sweepstakes 'm looking for more quick and easy options for paying towards college.

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3 answers

Accepted Answer
3 years ago

Hi there @selevine,

To avoid scholarships that are like sweepstakes, you can look for ones that are geared to you - scholarships with requirements around identity, financial status, year in high school, etc. will have smaller applicant pools. You should also go for ones that have essays or other application requirements, like a cover letter, as these will yield better results than those that are just click-to-enter. I'd also recommend looking locally to see if any small businesses are offering scholarships specifically to students in your region/county or high school.

We also have resources here to aid you in your search for more pointed scholarships:

Hope this helps!

3 years ago

Well it's going to be hard to find "quick and easy" ways to earn money for college. If they were so abundant everyone would be doing it. Aside from applying for as many scholarships as you can, there's really no easy way of paying for college. My advice is to start diving into scholarships that require more effort. You might not want to write that essay for that scholarship, but chances are, a lot of other people don't as well. On top of the competition being smaller, the rewards are usually higher as well.

3 years ago

Scholarships are like clothing. Some fit, and others don't. You should research and apply for charitable foundation and corporate scholarships that match your background, identity, experiences, interests, and intended major. Choose the right scholarships for you, prioritize smaller scholarships that are less competitive and easier to get, and apply early. Tell a specific and relevant personal story that resonates with the organization's values.

Here's a quick overview of scholarships, how to organize your scholarship applications, and how to write a great scholarship essay.

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