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3 years ago
Paying for College


how do you know which scholarships too apply for?

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1 answer

3 years ago[edited]

Just apply to any and allscholarships that you are eligible for! I recommend the collegevine one since it is SO easy to apply to. And look at places you work at, your school, local library, church/place of worship, other local restaurants/shops, more local scholarships means you likely have a greater chance of winning. I work at a local chain grocery store and they have 2 scholarships which I have applied to! Also companies your parents work at may have scholarships, I have heard people say that as well.

Lots of bigger scholarships are quick/easy to enter though and you can reuse essays which is great! Also if you know what you are majoring in, belong to a specific religion, ethnic group, race, live in a certain area/state/country, or gender identity you can find specific scholarships just online (or on a website like and less people will be applying to these scholarships so you have a greater chance of winning. There are also scholarships for people with disabilities, mental illnesses, those who have dealt with the loss of a loved one/parent, etc. the list goes on and on.

There are also school specific scholarships there are usually difficult to get since so many people reach for them, but always go for it! The worst that can happen is you do not win.

There is also questbridge but that is typically for low income/POC high achieving students and even then it is very competitive to get "matched" and earn the scholarship, and I do not know if you are a senior already or fall into those categories.

I hope this helped, best of luck! :)

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SAT: 720 math
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