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3 years ago
Paying for College

How do you pay for college?

I understand that you apply for loans, but how do they actually work? Such as do you parents have to pay a certain amount on the loan each month? Then when you graduate does the loan go under your name? Also will the loan affect your parents credit score?

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1 answer

3 years ago

Basically you're automatically taken into consideration for certain loans depending on what schools you apply to. If you're approved for those ones they'll show up on financial aid reports. Or like you said you can apply for them. Based off what loans and who you go through you will be offered different plans that you can make monthly payments on. But you only have to start paying on them once you graduate college and i think maybe even a year or two after. You'll also see two different types of loans Subsidized and Un-Subsidized only one of them you'll have to pay an interest rate on. If you go to fafsa they have a whole course on it that will probably explain things a bit better than i can.

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