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3 years ago
Paying for College

Scholarships that easy?

So many people say that scholarships are easy to get and easy to obtain, but from what I've seen it's a whole gamble. Is it actually easy and I'm just not that bright?

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3 answers

3 years ago

Yes, its easy to get scholarships there's even scholarships that don't require to submit essay. Just follow the requirements and you'll be good. I was like you in the beginning I thought it was like a scam or sum but my teacher told that to get scholarships are easy as 123.

3 years ago

no essay scholarships are easy to apply for if you meet the credentials. scholarships that require an essay are a little harder because the better your essay, the better chance you have of winning. i personally wouldn't say that it's a gamble because either way there's a chance you could win, if you do it's free money anyways, and if it's an essay you're improving your writing skills. if you have the time and are dedicated to wanting to win a scholarship, it's definitely worth it to apply. hope that helps :)

3 years ago

From my own experience I don't think they're as easy to obtain as people say. Certain things may give you better chances, but overall you're competing with a bunch of other candidates. I've been on multiple websites and its been hard to get one so far. Raise me was one of my favorite sites for micro-scholarships where you get paid for your grades, extracurriculars, and some other things. This is a good website, but unfortunately not all colleges hand out funds for scholarships. I suggest to just keep applying and looking! good luck!

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