How can I earn money for college if my parents don't have money saved. I'm a senior in 2nd semester in high school. What can I do to earn enough money to pay for college. This could include scholarships, grants, or even non traditional ways of earning money that could pay for college. Thank you so much.
Greetings Christ4Life,
Your best bet is to treat applying for scholarships & grants like a part-time job from now until you graduate (20+ hours a week). Work a part-time job as well for income.
If you really want to rack up the scholarship money and have money (and then some) for college, treat it like a full-time job (research time NOT included) for the rest of your senior year. It’s most definitely possible, but don’t plan on having a social life for the rest of your year.
Then, just as a general reminder, don’t go to a prestigious college just for the prestige. Will save you thousands right there. As they say, a penny saved is a penny earned.
Eric B.
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