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3 years ago
Paying for College

What are the best ways for a busy student to earn money for tuition during college?

I am planning to take two major and two minors, so I expect to be busy during college and with not much free time. Any quick but reliable ways would be welcome in this post.

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2 answers

3 years ago

This is going to sound really hard and will probably suck, but what I plan on doing is being a night shift CNA until I have my LPN, then being a night shift nurse while continuing my education. I'm not sure if healthcare is something you're interested in, but becoming a CNA is relatively fast and easy and pays about 15-20$ hourly in my area, and even more for night shift, so even if you're not too into it there's nothing to lose really. And if working in a more-lenient facility, you can work on school while residents are sleeping as long as you're attentive to call lights etc. and still do your job. I'm not sure if morning classes are required in your situation, but if they aren't/you can do them online (sleep is important too obvs) then this has been proven to be a reliable way to earn money for many of my friends and what I plan on doing also, and if you're the hardworking type (I take it you are, that's a lot of school!), most facilities are understaffed with CNA's and overtime and weekends are usually very welcome. I would also recommend looking into getting your MA, it takes slightly longer but pays a bit more, and all above applies.

3 years ago

Since you'll be busy it'll be hard to manage your time but if you would like you could try to go for online/work from home jobs or jobs that need less application skills and such. You'll have to find a way to get some type of income, but in person jobs can not only be draining but take up time so there should be a balance in a way.

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