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3 years ago
Paying for College

I have no idea how I am going to pay for college.

I am a high school sophomore in a Technical High School for Emergency Services. Our school is designed for people who really can't afford college but they still have the stupid idea of making us look into college. I will be an EMT by March of next year because I get the certification through the school. I really wanna do more with my life but I really can't afford college. My parents don't want to be financially responsible for me and I am not allowed to get a job. I cannot get paid as an EMT until I am 18 by state law. I want to go to college, but I know I would never be able to afford it until I'm probably 30 much less medical school. I just don't know what options I have. So I guess I'm looking for ideas.

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4 answers

Accepted Answer
3 years ago

There's a program called AmeriCorps where you work on some social issue or search and rescue/disaster relief and they pay all your expenses and an allowance and give you some money towards paying for college. Here's the website: It's really a nice way to help people, get some money for school and you get to travel and gain experience. You do have to be 18 though. I hope this helps.

3 years ago

What state do you live in? Sometimes, community colleges can be low cost or even free depending on where you live.

Do the people asking you to look for colleges know a lot about how colleges view technical high school grades? If so, can they recommend colleges that would offer scholarships?

There’s a lot of money out there for college, yet I know it can still be difficult and tricky.

If I recall correctly, Ole Miss and U of New Mexico offer scholarships to some people with good grades.

3 years ago

I would say tell your parents straight up that you have to have another job to get paid, live with them, or go to college. If you decide to go to college avoid student loan debt. There's debt-free degree that can help, and I recommend watching Borrowed Future which discusses the student debt crisis.

3 years ago

I would look into community college/state public colleges, although expensive they are generally cheaper. Although not ideal and a difficult complex decision to make, you could do ROTC and I believe if you serve in the army for a certain amount of time, your college is completely paid for, but I would look into that more since I am not too fimilar with that process. Also, some schools claim to offer 100% need-based aid, however, these are usually very competitive (like Colby I know offers insanely good need based aid but then there is the 8% acceptance rate).

But remember you can still get a career without college especially if you are going to a tech high school you will have other skills which is great. But since you are thinking about college now, I assume it is something you want to do. I know it's diffciult, but I would recommend just saying as much money as you can and think about going to community/state schools. You will still get the same education/degree and be in much less debt. Best of luck :) if you have any more questions/clarifications let me know.

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SAT: 720 math
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