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3 years ago
Paying for College

Should I sacrifice going to my top schools and go to a cheaper alternative, or spend money and go where I know I’ll love

I had to narrow down my college list two three or four schools I could afford. But I’m not really connecting with any of them. I have two or three school that I would not be able to pay for now, but I know I would love going to them. What should I do?

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4 answers

3 years ago

I wouldn't advise going into too much debt for a school unless:

1. it is an ivy or ivy adjacent (MIT, Caltech, Duke, etc.)

2. you're studying something that would make a big difference in our career opportunities if you didn't go to said expensive schools.

Consider that and see where you stand. If you disagree that's fine, but that's what I would do.

3 years ago

I would go to the ones you can afford. It wouldn't really be worth it to go into lots of debt unless going to your top schools would help you later in your career (even if they might help you in your career a prestigious school isn't needed to succeed). If they don't and if you can still get a good education at the more affordable ones then you should choose those.

3 years ago

Hi, I think in the long run going to cheaper alternative could give you some time to save up money and later on you could try to transfer to your top schools again or even find new schools in that period of time that you're saving up. Hope this helps.

3 years ago

I advise not going into debt at all. There's plenty of scholarships out there, enough that you could get a free ride to college. Don't believe the hype. You don't have to be rich or go into debt to go to college. Apply to as many higher-value scholarships as you can.

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