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3 years ago
Paying for College

# of scholarships you can use

is there a limit to the number of scholarships you can use towards college? is it different for each school?


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3 answers

Accepted Answer
3 years ago

I don't think there is a limit. If there is, it is probably where you've already got plenty of money to pay for college. For instance, if your college costs $80,000, and you've already got $90,000 in scholarships, they might not let you submit another scholarship unless you're planning to keep going.

I don't know if this varies between schools, you would have to check. I do know some colleges have their own scholarships and you can only get so many of those.

My advice is to apply to as many scholarships as you can. Also try to find scholarships that have a more narrow range of students. For instance, and $5000 no essay scholarship might be easy to apply to, but there's probably a lot of people applying for that scholarship. Now, if you plan to go into the medical field, for instance, looking for scholarships for medical students. Or if you were in foster care, look for scholarships for former foster care students. That kind of thing.

3 years ago[edited]

no not at all! colleges offer you scholarships, but yes, some of them are different depending on what school you are applying to. but it is also good to apply for other scholarships because it helps a lot. just because you get a really high scholarship at a specific college, doesn't mean stop applying, keep applying for scholarships! you are very brilliant :)

3 years ago

Some colleges will specify whether you can stack/earn multiple scholarships! Usually, you can apply and a lot of the time people do receive multiple, but it just depends on the school and how expensive it is.

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