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3 years ago
Paying for College

starting a college fund :)

okay so, i am looking for a way to get a decent fund for college, because i am a first generation college student, and college is very important to me. i am technically a sophomore now, and i have a few months before i can legally work. my dream college is very affordable, the tuition is about 40k for all the years i'll spend there, excluding other fees and housing and such. what should i do? i've been writing scholarship essays as well. any advice would be greatly apreciated. :)


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2 answers

3 years ago

Besides applying to scholarships and working, I recommend looking into the financial aid application process. Be ready to guide your parents through completing the FAFSA and CSS, and prepare yourself to potentially appeal your aid package. Lastly, you may be eligible for the QuestBridge program as a first generation student. Hope this helps!

3 years ago

hello! you seem to already have a super good start - congrats! my biggest advice is put your academics first. a lot of schools give scholarships based off of GPA and sometimes testing scores. second, when you're able to work, get a job (as you already say you're going to do), but definitely don't let school fall behind you. for scholarships, continue what you're doing so far! keep in mind that larger scholarships you hear about (ex. Be Bold Scholarship on have millions of applicants. i would recommend finding scholarships with smaller amounts, those have less applicants. look up smaller things that apply to you! ex. 'scholarships for first generation students,' 'scholarships for soccer players,' 'scholarships for x.x gpa,' and more. the more specific and less amount, you have a higher chance of winning. just apply to a bunch!! i wish you the best of luck!!! :)

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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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