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3 years ago
Paying for College

How can I make it so I can earn more scholoarships?

I am a 9th grader going to become a sophomore next school year, and I've already applied to multiple scholarships and haven't got an email back.

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2 answers

3 years ago

This is cliché and said a lot but look for local scholarships! I would go to your school or library or church and see if there are any scholarships offered! It never hurts to ask or apply. I have applied to at least 50 scholarships but have not won a single one. I have won however a scholarship from my church, one from the grocery store I work at, and one from a county-wide scholarship service in my community that I discovered at my library. The only "national" scholarship I won was a $1,000 burger king scholarship that I would recommend you apply to as a senior because burger king gives out lots of 1k scholarships as well as larger ones. I would keep a spreadsheet with all the scholarship info especially if you find scholarships you can only apply to as a senior or once you're already in college. Best of luck!! :)

3 years ago

hello! one thing i recommend is just applying to pretty much everything you find! even if it's just popular scholarships, chances are really low but someone gets them. Check out some scholarship sites such as RaiseMe,, Naviance, and more for scholarship opportunities. there's even a weekly drawing on college vine for scholarships! just don't give up! also try looking at more specific things about you for scholarships. ex; scholarships for soccer players, scholarships for 24 ACT, scholarships for 3.0 GPA, and more. good luck!

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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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