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3 years ago
Paying for College

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Starting my senior year im going to start working to save up for college my parents have ZERO to help give me so I decided a community college would be easier to start with but what kind of accounts should I open to put money away how much money should I be putting away in a day, week or even month to minimize my debts before they grow outrageously


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2 answers

Accepted Answer
3 years ago

hello! i'm not super smart with banking but here's what I do: I am currently 17 (i started working when I was 16) and I have an account with PNC Bank. It's called 'Virtual Wallet Student.' When i got my job, I gave my employer info so they could direct deposit the $ i made into my acct. in the account i don't spend any of the $ i make, all of it is saved up for college. however - im not sure if it's a a savings or checking acct however i think it's a checking. sorry as I am not very money-saving savvy - i wish you the best - good luck! :)

3 years ago

A checking and savings account at any bank will work. Most banks will offer student accounts which do not have high fees or minimum balance requirements.

I would say that a good savings goal to have is to put away at least $300 per month, which is the cost of a typical student loan payment. I recommend saving around $5,000 as well to cover two months of living expenses in the event of an emergency or job loss. Hope this helps!

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