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2 years ago
Paying for College

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Im currently a senior at high school. im an international student and my gpa is 4.00. ive SAT 1350 with a wide range of ECA.If my essay and recommendaions letter stand out wht is the probability of me getting full fund in NYU?

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3 answers

2 years ago

NYU is need based so depending on Family income, Scholarships, and your total Fafsa report it is possible you may qualify for full support. As far as you getting into NYU, your transcript is quite similar to mine, the only thing holding you back is the SAT score. My suggestion: if you aren't applying early action/decision I would take it again or take the ACT in December, try to get at least a 1400, or apply test optional. 1400 is still the low end of the average but if the recs, the essays, and your ECA's are good/ above average (4.0 unweighted is fantastic) you should be fine applying with that or even going test optional. But if you really want to cement your chances I would shoot for 1430-1450 depending on your demographic.

2 years ago

NYU gives aid based on financial need. They use what you filled out for your FAFSA and CSS Profile to determine your EFC and financial aid package. Most students that get offered full rides have an annual family income of less than $65,000. In short, it would depend on your family's income.

2 years ago

Although I can't really determine the numerical probability, I suggest you either apply test-optional or improve your SAT score to increase the probability.

What are your chances of acceptance?
Your chance of acceptance
Duke University
+ add school
Your chancing factors
Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


Low accuracy (4 of 18 factors)

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