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2 years ago
Paying for College

How do I prepare for the military (undecided occupation, may sway high school/college decisions)?

Hi all, I'm a sophomore in high school and am currently thinking about joining the military. Aside from defending my country/helping others, I also like the financial and environmental security (military bases) offered when in the military. I'm unsure which branch, whether I will join fresh out of high school or after college, and haven't yet participated in any ROTC programs at my school. Other than ROTC, how can I prepare to join the military? My family is involved in a branch, so I'm used to the lifestyle and feel exploring it would be pretty smooth.


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1 answer

Accepted Answer
2 years ago

Joining the US Naval Sea Cadet Corps would be a great way for you to explore military careers. It's a Navy-funded educational program for ages 10-18 that is structured similarly to reserve forces. One weekend every month, cadets attend drills at a local military base to do physical training, practice marching, and learn about the military from veterans and active duty service members. Once cadets complete a two-week boot camp, they can attend advanced trainings ranging from Navy Seal training to music school.

Also, be sure to exercise every day until you can pass the fitness test for the role you are interested in. Talking to veterans is another great way to learn about the military as well. Let me know if you have any questions about the USNSCC - I was a cadet in high school! Hope this helps!

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