I have a 3.9 GPA, President of FBLA, Varsity Football, Varsity Tennis, Officer for FFA, Worked at two of my parent's family owned businesses since I was a kid, took 4 dual enrollment classes, Member of Beta, Member of History club, Member of FTA (Future teacher of America), No AP classes were in my school, and a 26 on my ACT. I'm currently trying to improve my ACT to a 33 at least. I'm also a junior, but about to finish the school year in two months. How do I go about contacting a school and getting them to get me a scholarship. I want to go above just applying for one. I want to tell a school I'm really interested in attending, but the cost is too much for me and I want a scholarship to help attend. My family has too high of an income for financial Aid, but are probably not going to help much.
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