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2 years ago
Paying for College

how to write a "Why do you deserve this scholarship" essay

Hi! I'm a rising senior and will be attending CC summer semester. I am applying for a grant to cover the costs. They require a 250 word essay on why I deserve this scholarship. I have never written one of these before and I have no clue where to start! Some background- I will be attending CC in the county in which I lived all my life, I'm very community-oriented, I plan to be a doctor and live in my hometown. How do I do this? Thanks in advance!


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3 answers

Accepted Answer
2 years ago[edited]

I suggest talk about why you want to be doctor (what spark your interest) you are in the community showing you love to help go on to talk about how being a doctor will help people (further detail) then go on to say how this scholarship money will help towards being qualified and being more prepared for taking your position in the medical career.

a year ago

Good afternoon! If you are looking for professional writing assistance, then take a look at the EssayShark custom essay writing service website. These writing experts will help you solve any learning problem and even improve your academic performance in a very short time. Don't miss the chance to get rid of boring paperwork.

a year ago

I would answer it honestly, why do you deserve it? Be humble like not bragging but also you are community oriented and want to be a doctor for some reason, explain this. And then explain how this scholarship will help you and the community as a whole. If you have a lot of expenses or some financial trouble (medical school is expensive so this is more than enough) just explain this and say the scholarship will help you to reach your goals. Keep is simple and well written.

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