im a highschool rising junior and ive just recently started getting interested in college and how i will get to a good school. one of my main concerns is how would i pay for out of state costs. ik my family doesnt have much money to spare for out of state costs so how do i make them as cheap as possible. its not the tuituion that im concerned about; its more of things like room and board, transportation, and materials to go to classes. sure tuition is the main concern but even if tuition is cheap the extra features might make it impossible for me to attend an out of state school which i really want to do. if anyone can help me with this it would really help me out in the long run!
thank you!
Do you qualify for need-based aid? That is a huge factor. Getting a job can help, but there is no way a part-time job can fully cover the cost of college-- something that is different than when our grandparents and even parents grew up, and something they often don't seem to understand! However, if you can make a few thousand dollars that will cover books and other things like that. If you don't qualify for enough need-based aid, a lot of good colleges do have merit scholarships, but that depends on your definition of good. Ivy's and a lot of top liberal arts colleges don't. Duke, Vanderbilt, UNC, UVA, Emory, and Georgia tech all do, but they are SUPER competitive!! I'm mainly trying to find more mid-tier colleges that are still good, but not so good that they won't give me a scholarship. One important thing to note is that a full-tuition scholarship covers just tuition. A full-ride covers tuition, room, and board! If you're a rising junior make sure you study for the PSAT. National merit will give you a full ride to multiple colleges. Tulsa gives you free tuition, room, board, books, AND $6,000/year for personal expenses if you're national merit. What state are you in? Some states do a tuition exchange with other states. Do you want to go out of state for the sake of it or because you really don't like any of your state schools? I'm in Louisiana and I want to get out of state because I don't like a single public school in my state. Really nice, isn't it? But if you live in NY, NC, VA, SC, CA, or somewhere like that, I would say to not worry so much about going out of state.
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thank you so much! sadly i kinda screwed up on the psat so i didnt qualify for the merit, but ill do some more research to see if i can get some other scholarships!!