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11 months ago
Paying for College

Scholarship Opportunities for a Junior

I’m a Junior in high school, and all I see online is people applying for scholarships and ending up with really amazing opportunities because of it. I’ve spent hours clicking away on scholarships and have never had any luck! (And these are the few I’ve managed to find that aren’t exclusively for Seniors.) I was just wondering if anyone knew of any good opportunities that aren’t exclusively for the graduating class. I’m hoping to go into premed, and in all seriousness can’t afford 30 years of post-highschool education just to get my dream job, and if I can avoid it, I’d like to not graduate college drowning in debt. I have a 4.0 unweighted GPA but poor extracurriculars. Does anyone have any good suggestions?

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11 months ago

Same--I have applied to many scholarships but not received a single cent. BUT now as a junior there seems to be more scholarship competitions available. Check out FastWeb and Scholarships360 for sure, but others are Niche,, ScholarshipPoints, Collegexpress, and Appily. I also recommend Scholarship Owl BUT I do not recommend letting them apply you for all of the scholarships they recommend to you. They try to offer this one-click wonder thing where you get applied for all at once but it doesn't make sense if some require essays or other materials. So check out each scholarship individually and make sure you submit what they require.

My biggest tip is to find more personal scholarships you have a better chance of winning (Eg, I like writing, so essay scholarships are ideal. Eg, you enjoy science, so enter STEM ones that require projects). If it requires you to do something you are good at you will have a better chance of winning than a random drawing type.

Hope this makes sense. If you have more questions, lmk!

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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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