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10 months ago
Paying for College

Navigating the American Grading System: A European Freshman's Perspective

Hi! I am a European freshman trying to comprehend the American grading system, and it seems to be quite confusing for me since I don’t have AP or Honors classes. In my highschool, I only have optional subjects like higher mathematics; however, I am not sure if this is the same. Moreover, my grading system is from 0-10 with halves as well, and it is not from 0-4. Can somebody please help me understand the American system of grading and extra classes?

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2 answers

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10 months ago

Hey! I'm also a freshman but have been studying here in the States. I don't have a clear explanation of the American grading system and how it can be contrasted with the European grading system but I can help with the extra classes. So in high school, AP classes are like the highest level, they are harder for some due to the extra work you receive through those classes. At the end of the school year, there are AP class exams in which you have to score a 3 or higher on a 1-5 scale. If you manage to do this, you can receive one college credit, which means you can technically complete college classes and receive credit for them in high school. On the other hand, Honors classes are a bit easier, and mostly just give a GPA (Grade Point Average) boost.

10 months ago

Just to let you know, there is no such thing as the American Grading system. Not only does every state have a different curriculum, but even different counties within those states grade differently and that's only considering public schools. Adding on to how you mentioned you don't have AP/Honors classes, some American schools don't even have those, while others only offer those courses to a certain demographic of student. So to put it shortly: There really is no real way to understand/define the system because depending on who you ask, their location, and even their school, they will have access to vastly different opportunities.

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