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10 months ago
Paying for College

What are good scholarship websites to look at

I have filled out 76 scholarships on and haven't gotten any. I am trying really hard to find other things but I don't know what to trust. I need help with having money for college and I am doing everything I can to not have debt but with 15 given to other people I am losing hope. Please if you have any suggestions let me know.

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@AngelShade10 months ago

I would say to go to Edvisors, CollegeXpress, Niche, etc.

@Willow040710 months ago

Good to know—I’m facing the same issue

@GWillz9 months ago

I'm glad I have this info. I thought twenty scholarships were a lot of applications, but that information is beneficial.

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5 answers

10 months ago

My advice:

1. Go for the essays that fit you. Your interests, talents, etc. No-essay 1-click wonder scholarships are nearly impossible to win. I wasted a ton of time on these! It is better to use your time for essay/project/transcript based scholarships. Eg, if you love STEM, find STEM related scholarships. If you write well, find essay scholarships. And so on.

2. Use Fastweb. Put all your info in and they will suggest scholarships that fit you and your interests.

3. Many colleges offer merit scholarships. I am applying to a school where my stats/grades are well above their average and they offer merit scholarships, so this is completely to my advantage. You will need to ensure your application is competitive based on the school's average test scores, GPA, etc. Check out the colleges you are interested in and see if they offer any merit scholarships.

Don't give up! Yes, it takes work, but try and find the ones you are more likely to win!

10 months ago

Yeah, I think is really more about advertising than scholarships. I would recommend ScholarshipOwl's 1 week free trial for ease of applications, Going Merry for listing a bunch of weird ones, and College Board's Big Future portal for finding bigger scholarships.

9 months ago

Hey! I've also done many scholarships on and personally i feel like it's a waste of effort and time. I've heard the College Board offers some good scholarships, so have a look at those. Also, try filling out scholarships that have a connection with you, like your interests or your grades. Search up those specific scholarships on google, and you should be able to find some, otherwise try talking it out with your college counselors, they might know a specific website. You got this! Good Luck.

10 months ago

You could try Naviance or There is also but some people from my school says it helps and others said that it doesn’t.

10 months ago

Goingmerry is one!

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