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3 months ago
Paying for College

Is there anything I can do now as an 10th grader when applying for internships or scholarships?

I tried opening a linkedin account. I got multiple offers for dual credit but my school advised me to not to because of my age and to wait until i'm a senior. My next options are applying for internships/scholarships so that I can safely go to college debt-free. What are my options?

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1 answer

3 months ago

Taking dual credit —preferably from a community college— will definitely help you in sprucing up your applications senior year. Why did your school advice against it? When I started with my dual enrollment journey, I was extremely apprehensive about the amount of work, but it ended up being incredibly doable and now I will be graduating this year with my AA as well as my High School diploma (yay class of 2025!) So, definitely advocate for yourself if you think dual enrollment might be the way to go!

As for internships, if you are in a small town, go for city government (especially this election year!) even if you don't necessarily want a future in politics. It is a great way to show leadership and proactiveness!

A lot of local scholarships are usually for seniors but the website is extremely helpful!

I hope even a small bit of my response was helpful! Good luck!

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