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3 months ago
Paying for College


My teacher said that I could start applying for scholarships at any time. I am about 14 years old, I have some good ideas of where I want to go and know what I want to major in. Should I start worrying about scholarships now or think about it later?

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2 answers

Accepted Answer
3 months ago

Honestly, I wish I would have applied for scholarships earlier in my high school years, if you're really determined about going to college definitely do it! To be honest as a senior I feel that scholarships keep you on the right track and ultimately lead to better grades, since you're a freshman, grades are SUPER important every single year of high school, a D freshman year can affect your sophomore year GPA and so on...Scholarships can also help you branch out to new communities as well. Go for it Kate, though if you do not get accepted for some of the scholarships that you applied for in freshmen year, don't stress it, you still have sophomore year as well, if you want to go the common route (without a gap year) then you would apply for college the summer of your junior-senior year, so you still have plenty of time, but go for it girl! Best wishes!

2 months ago

Hi! I am about 15 years old and am starting to apply for scholarships. You can start looking into it at anytime. There is no need to 'worry' about it yet but you can if you truly want to. My focus last year was on getting some volunteer hours to help out applications. Volunteering is a great way to start thinking about your future.

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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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