a month ago
Paying for College

Help paying for college by myself

I am a high school senior and my parent will not aid in paying for college what's so ever. I don't have a job or method of transportation. I've applied to jobs but I've recently moved to the country side and there is a lack of jobs. Most jobs here require an expertise which is why people move here. I've applied to many scholarships and will apply to FAFSA later on this year but I truly think I will still have to pay for thousands of dollars myself. Can anyone help?

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4 answers

Accepted Answer
a month ago

I also have to pay for college by myself, I'm a sophomore so I have a little more time to plan, but, applying for scholarships is a good idea. If you are eligible, I would recommend the Coca-Cola Scholarship, Dell Scholars Program, Jackie Robinson Foundation Scholarship, Sallie Mae Scholarship, and the Niche no essay scholarship. Also, if you go on bold.org you can access thousands of scholarships and choose which ones to apply for. I wish you the best and will keep you in my prayers, good luck!

a month ago

You could probably start at a cheaper college that will also give you a basis for what you need for your ideal field, and then transfer in your sophomore year once you have a job. There are also lots of colleges that offer on-campus jobs to students who need them, or even internships that help you to gain the experience you need to get a job.

a month ago

Maybe try online freelance gigs — stuff like tutoring or graphic design can be done from anywhere.

a month ago

Well, either don't attend the college, try to attend a community college that is affordable enough OR go to the military so that they will help pay for you. Mind you, you do have to work with them after college, though. I hope this advice helps!

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SAT: 720 math
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