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2 months ago
Paying for College

Does collage mean dept?

I want to be an Airline pilot, and the collages I am looking at look expensive including the training. Is this really the price or will it be cheaper? And do scholarships apply to private collages?

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1 answer

2 months ago

Hi there!

That's a good question. Does college mean debt? It depends on the situation; the institution and the person affects this.

First of all, yes, scholarships do apply to private colleges. There are many ways to earn scholarships and there are other ways to pay for college besides scholarships. Here is a guide for ways to pay for college:

Most colleges offer scholarships, some based on financial need and others based on merit (grades, test scores, and/or other academic upstanding). But there are millions of outside scholarships that you can apply to. Some websites to check out are Going Merry, Fastweb, Collegeboard,, and there are many more!

Scholarships aren't the only option. Many people qualify for need-based financial aid. It's important to fill out the FASFA whether you think you will qualify for financial aid or not.

Yes, college is expensive. Keep in mind that the price listed on the website is not always the price the students end up paying. That price is BEFORE any aid or scholarships the school might offer you is subtracted from the total cost.

What schools are you looking at? I would be happy to help you figure out the cost, if there are scholarships you could qualify for, and all that. lmk if you would like help!

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