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2 months ago
Paying for College

Paying college myself

Hi! I need to pay college myself, while I am a smart kid (4.0 GPA and going to have 11 AP's by the time I end HS and such), I don't qualify for any financial aid at all and I don't think that I could find so many external scholarships that I could pay it all myself. Im most likely going to the military path to have college paid. I want to get a pre-med in psychology and end up going to med school for psychiatry/psychology and all that has to be paid by me, so what military scholarship programs will pay for all of this and qualify for the respective subject. If you could give a timeline of events for these that would also be helpful. Im currently in Junior Year


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1 answer

Accepted Answer
2 months ago

Hey there! I'm a senior and preparing to go into college AND the Navy! Woah right? I was you just last year- no clue how to pay for college myself, even with the military in mind. Here's what I can tell you: the military will pay for your tuition, which is the biggest thing there is to pay for in college. You don't need any special scholarships! My plan is to enter into the Navy Reserves or ROTC so I can do part-time service alongside schooling, with the Navy paying for me until I finish my Bachelors. After that, I can enter the service fully as an officer (Bachelors degree=officer level btw). Since I want to get my Master's (in social psychology actually, so I see you), the GI Bill and extra money I get after I get out of the Navy will pay for it. See if this plan works similar for you. You got this honey!

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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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