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5 months ago
Paying for College

Scholarships for legal residents who aren't citizens, for aspiring VR/AR/Immersive Media/Human-Comp Interaction major?

I was wondering if there were any full-ride scholarships for non-citizens in the colleges I want to apply to? I'm not an international student either, but I am a legal resident on VISA status. My college list is down below. Also University of Maryland is my top choice, so far, at least.

My top choices are:-

1. University of Maryland - College Park

2. University of Illinois Chicago

3. UT Dallas

4. Indiana University Bloomington

5. Rutgers - New Brunswick

6. Virginia Tech

7. Penn State

Thank you!

[🎤 AUTHOR]@aspiringCEO_225 months ago [edited]

Btw I plan to go out of state for college, I live in virginia

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2 months ago[edited]

As a forum visitor, I’d say each of these universities offers unique opportunities. For instance, University of Maryland - College Park is known for its robust research programs. If you’re considering a social life to balance the academic pressure, look into Indiana University Bloomington—great culture! By the way, don’t forget to celebrate the pacman 30th anniversary with friends during downtime; it's a fantastic way to relieve stress and build camaraderie!

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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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