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5 months ago
Paying for College

What are my chances of pursuing cybersecurity in the U.S. as a non-resident with an SAT of 1470 and an IELTS of 7.0?

I'm a non-resident of the U.S. and am interested in pursuing a degree in cybersecurity. Here's a quick overview of my academic profile and test scores:

9th and 10th grade subjects: Chemistry, Biology, Physics, General Math, Higher Math, Information and Communication Technology (ICT), English and Bangla Literature, Islamic Studies, Physical Exercise, Practical Work, Arts and Crafts.

11th and 12th grade subjects: Information and Communication Technology (ICT), English and Bangla Literature, Civics and Good Governance, Islamic History, Geography, Home Science.

SAT score: 1470

IELTS score: 7.0

Given my background, I have a strong foundation in ICT, and I've taken general and higher math courses, but my 11th and 12th-grade subjects focus more on humanities and social sciences. How do my academic profile and test scores align with the requirements for pursuing cybersecurity in the U.S.? Are there specific steps I should take to improve my chances of admission to competitive programs? How important are advanced math or science courses, and should I consider any certifications or additional preparations?

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@anemoia5 months ago

Overall academics and IELTS score look great. Chances of pursuing cybersecurity are 50/50, honestly—it is much easier to get a job in this field as a U.S. citizen. Usually after applying to university, colleges will instruct you to apply for the right visa. I do recommend getting certifications and even taking advanced courses, as having documented successes/recognition increase your chance of getting an O-1/EB-1 visa. Good luck!

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What are your chances of acceptance?
Your chance of acceptance
Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


Low accuracy (4 of 18 factors)

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