4 years ago
School List Suggestions

Does anyone else want to go to school in a city?

I know I want to go to school in a city and so far I like Boston and New York, but that's mostly because I've been there before. I like that I can walk to a lot of places and won't need a car. Some schools on my list now are NYU, BU, Tufts, Northeastern.

I'm curious what cities you want to go to and why.

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4 years ago

Going to school in the city seems like a really nice thing. I also like Boston and New York but as well as those I seem to really like Los Angeles, Chicago and a few other cities like Houston and Nashville. Yeah that's a really good thing about big cities, especially since driving around them would take a really long time.

The cities that I like are known to house some of the best colleges within America.

Of course there are a few more cities but these are the ones that stand out to me the most in terms of where I'm sure about applying.

🎤4 years ago

Nashville seems like a really cool city for college. There are a ton of musicians there, so a lot of live music


4 years ago

Hey There !

So, I would LOVE to go to school in a city, especially Boston, New York and L.A.

Since I want to go to school for Musical Theatre/Drama, these places have a strong performance scene (that i know of) and I believe I would really benefit from learning in places like these. Of course there are other areas of the country wer I could go to, but right know, these are the ones that como to my mind :)

🎤4 years ago

For Musical Theatre and Drama, those are definitely the places I think of first. Most of the film industry is in New York and LA, and NY has broadway. From what I know Boston has a good theater district where Emerson College is downtown.


4 years ago

I really wanna go to new york. I've never been there, but I've been wanting to move since the 7th grade lmao. I love the rush of a big city and the fact that it never gets boring. I love walking everywhere. Also, new york has a lot of parks and coffee shops which I plan on visiting very often. I really wanna live anywhere in downtown manhattan, preferably in the east village.

I also wanna go to NYU but can't get in or afford it so I'm looking into CUNY schools. From what I hear, Baruch is a really good one, so maybe it could be your safety (if you decide on new york).


4 years ago

It would be nice to go to New York, considering the fact that most of the time you have to walk. I have heard about Tufts College. It seems like a really good college.


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