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4 years ago
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After I get out of my 4 year university, should I go straight into law school or work?

I don’t know if I should go work to get into the real world or go ahead and go into law school and intern while I’m in law school.

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@Donovan_Little034 years ago

If you work while in school, you could aggregate enough money to start paying off that law school bill. You may (or may not) need more than one job, but that's where online money-grabbing apps come in handy. On a scale of 1-10, how much do YOU (nobody else but you) want to be a lawyer?

@OFHanson4 years ago

Good question here @Donovan_Little03. It all really depends on your disposition on law and where you are at in your life.

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3 answers

Accepted Answer
4 years ago

If you take a gap year, It's typically really hard to get yourself to go back. I'd recommend going right in and working on the side.

4 years ago

I agree with points some of the others made. It totally depends on you and only you can decide. Consider these points:

-Why wait to get your law degree?

-Is there an opportunity for a paid internship?

-Can you handle working and schooling? Remember to not stress yourself out.

-Make sure that when you take a gap year you are committed to coming back to school

-Look into the school and make sure that when you come back there won’t be a bunch of others trying at the same time. A lot of people took a gap year because of COVID so trying to get a spot might be tough.

-Is there a way you can ease yourself into law class and work?

-Try working as much as you can in your off time before starting with taking a gap year.

I think it might be best to just go straight into law school. The decision is totally yours but I hope this helped.

4 years ago

One thing to consider is studying for the LSAT. I'm not an attorney, but it's my understanding that test is crucial to landing top tier law school admissions, so you may want to give yourself ample time to prepare for the LSAT.

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