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4 years ago
School List Suggestions

Major and Minor

Hey!! I am not unsure if this is the right path for a future pre-med student. I want to get a degree in Spanish while also following the track and completing my pre-med courses. Does that seem doable?, because it was really hard to decide on the path I wanted to follow, because some colleges/universities don't offer "pre-med" as a minor. So, right now, I'm still unsure about what to decide.

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3 answers

Accepted Answer
4 years ago

It is perfectly possible to major in Spanish while also following the track and completing my pre-med courses. Your major doesn't boost your chances, what you do with your experiences will. So if you're a Spanish major, you have unique opportunities that if you can take advantage of, will reflect in your PS, ECs, and LORs. One suggestion is minoring in Spanish. It still gave plenty of time to do all of pre-med course.

if majoring in spanish is what your heart desires, do it. make sure you knock out all of your science pre reqs, and also take a decent number of upper level courses.

Bottom line: if you have a passion for Spanish, major in Spanish. As far as other advice goes, don't neglect the extra curriculars.

4 years ago

Majoring in courses other than STEM as a pre-med is getting a lot more popular and totally doable as long as you work with your school to get all of the required classes you need for med school and to pass the MCAT. It will likely be a little harder to study for the MCAT as a non-STEM major, but not too bad at all if you work out a plan. Take your harder pre-reqs closer to the MCAT date, find people to study with, and really just round yourself out as a person (which you're already doing taking a language degree) and you'll be just fine. Good luck :)

4 years ago

Yes, also believe it is possible for you to continue on your track for pre-med and Spanish, as my friend did that a year ago with him getting a degree in French while also completing pre-med. Good luck!

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