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4 years ago
School List Suggestions

study abroad

What are some good colleges for studying abroad?

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4 years ago

Boston University was the one on my list that had the best study abroad! Plus, they have lots of internationals!


4 years ago

if you are focussing on any country that will be good (if not start researching on it). I chose the USA because of its diversity and I have lived there for my high school. If you can pay around $30K then, I will suggest applying to all Ivies (I did) because if you get accepted then they give you a good scholarship too and I will also suggest applying to other colleges like Wooster, Adelphi, Case Western, etc. As people might be like it doesn't have good numbers on websites however, it's a doorway for you to enter the country where you can further apply for transfer (I'm planning to do the same).

Keep in mind that the acceptance rate doesn't matter on the website because for international students (not sure if you're) it's always really low. So, getting accepted into one is a good opportunity.

I followed these things and got into 5 colleges where I got scholarships.

Hopefully, you got it.


4 years ago

Northeastern University is good if you can afford it. They don't give good scholarship money if you have scholarship money from RaiseMe. You have to select you're okay with being admitted to their N.U. in program on your application. They have 4 locations each year (Ireland, Greece, England, & Italy for fall 2021) along with a Boston location


4 years ago

There are many colleges but than it depends on your family condition , the area of your intrest , and the ofcourse gpa


4 years ago

We developed this ranking by starting with a list of 100 colleges and universities collected from various rankings and sources, including U.S. News & World Report’s 2015 list of schools with the highest percentage of students studying abroad. We want to find the best value for our readers, so we narrowed that list down to the 50 cheapest colleges, and we ranked the top 30 using the point system below. All colleges and universities on this list are accredited.

Here are some of the best study abroad colleges-

Student Accommodation Sydney -


4 years ago[edited]

Nowadays there are a lot of schools which offer some type of study abroad program. Chances are that most schools you are interested in will have one. Knowing what part of the country you want to study in or what you want to major in would be helpful so people can suggest schools that will be more relevant to you.

Here's a CollegeVine article with some info about studying abroad and 5 colleges you might want to consider:

Here are some of the best study abroad schools according to us news:


What are your chances of acceptance?
Your chance of acceptance
Duke University




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Your chancing factors
Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


Low accuracy (4 of 18 factors)

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