4 years ago
School List Suggestions

What kind of extracurriculars should I do, which is somehow connected with pre-med/pre-pharm?

Having trouble finding what extracurriculars I should do relating to future career choice. Any ideas? anything is helpful :)

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4 years ago

Hi! Some extracurriculars you could do are: volunteering at a local hospital, signing up for a pre-med summer program (they are often free ones that you have to apply to), and join clubs at school such as Red Cross, Doctors without Borders, Pre-Med Club, HOSA (Future Health Professionals), and many more. If you don't have any of these clubs at your school, you can always reach out the administration to see if you can start a chapter! Often, starting a club is even more impressive to admissions officers than joining one.

Also, don't be afraid to sign up for other clubs that aren't pre-med related. I'm looking to do pre-med in college as well and I participate in the School Newspaper which is not normally an extracurricular one would consider pre-med. It's good to branch out and find a variety of activities you like to participate in.

🎤4 years ago

thank you so much !!

4 years ago

How would you start the club, and what would you do in it...?

4 years ago[edited]

You would normally reach out to whoever is in charge of clubs at your school and I'm not entirely sure what these clubs consist of, since we don't have them at my school, but if you look it up, you can probably find a description.


4 years ago

Hey! Adding onto Erica's post, shadowing your local pharmacist or even doctor can look really great for college apps as well. This can demonstrate dedication and geniuene interest in the pre-med/pre-pharm fields as you are spending time with a certified doctor already. This has numerous benefits outside of college apps, of course. You can gain leadership experience, new insight into what it's like to actually be a doctor, and see for yourself if this is a career path you want to really pursue. Hope this helps! P.S. due to the current state of the world right now, it might be harder to get shadowing experience, but I'm sure if there's anyone in the field that's close to you/your family, then they would be happy to offer some guidance either way!


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