4 years ago
School List Suggestions

Medical School

Is it hard to get into medical school? And what courses do I need to take in High School to get excepted into fields as physiology or medical school

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2 answers

Accepted Answer
4 years ago

I'm also planning on going into the pre-med track. My recommendation is: take as many AP/IB/Honors/PSEO classes as possible if you have extra space. The pre-med track in college is incredibly challenging, so you need to show colleges that you're capable of handling all that pressure. If you don't have enough space in your schedule, take these classes at the very least:

Science: honors bio, honors chem, AP Bio, AP Chem, AP Statistics, AP Calc AB/BC. (if you don't have honors classes, just take the AP ones instead).

Math: AP stats and AP Calc

Don't bother taking AP history classes unless you are naturally good at history classes. The same goes for AP Lang/Lit classes, if you aren't good at English/reading/grammar, don't take it. Spend your energy and time on AP math and science classes such as the ones I listed above.

If you don't have these classes at your school, it's not a problem. I don't think you should waste your time taking AP Physics. If you want to take it purely for the fun/satisfaction, then go for it, otherwise, don't as it's not relevant. Try to double up on science and math classes as soon as you can. I started doing that during my 10th-grade year and I'm going to do that for the next two years. It stands out among all of the other people trying to get into the pre-med track. Of course, if you have a physiology/anatomy/medical class at your school, take it.

Aside from courses, strengthen your extracurriculars. It doesn't have to be related to the medical field, just show that you're passionate about whatever you are doing. You don't have to do science olympiad (though it would be fitting) just because it's related to science. Instead, do something that you like, and really excel in it.

Whatever you do, keep your GPA up and don't compromise classes.

I hope this helped :) If you put in the effort, you'll get to med school! Best of luck!!

4 years ago

I recommend taking as many honors/AP classes that have to do with Science and Math. Specifically AP Bio, AP Chem, and AP Physics look good on transcripts. My school had an anatomy class, and I'd recommend taking that as well.

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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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