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4 years ago
School List Suggestions

Bio Undergrad in California?

I'm an international student in high school (junior, 16), currently studying at Singapores' International French School (French syllabus/curriculum) and about to sit the SAT in August and early October. Considering my grade average is of 16+/20 (which in your system is apparently an A) and that I have several extracurriculars (which I think are visible on my profile), what unis around San Diego (bio undergrad) would be accessible to a student with my kind of portfolio/what universities are there in San Diego that provide a suitable bio undergrad? I started researching a while ago so I may already know some.

Thanks! :))

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4 years ago

Considering that biology is a common degree that typically leads to graduate studies in many more specialized science fields, you probably can't go wrong with choosing a university based on their program. Most schools have a biology major, and most programs are going to include all of the same course material, so there really aren't any unsuitable programs. However, I would think that UCSD is one of the better schools to go to because it is part of a wider system of schools and has a large program that provides many options for specialization. The best way to choose the school you would like to attend, in my opinion, would be to look more deeply into which has the college experience that would suit you better since you already know the location and major you are looking for.

Good luck!

🎤4 years ago

Would UCSD be likely to accept a student with such a profile? I looked into them and their program and its great, but I highly doubt I could be accepted... My current SAT practice score (I have only taken one test) was of 1310, however my school didn't teach any of the math program and I lost 200 points on that haha. Would it an acceptance be likely if I bump that score up? Thanks!

4 years ago

I don't know how likely any specific school is to accept a particular student, however, the entire UC system is test optional for admissions (this is a very recent decision, the NY Times has an article), so test scores can't necessarily hurt your prospects. Additionally, your score is within the median range already, so if you bump up your math score and choose to apply with your score, you have a solid chance. UCSD also enrolls a large number of international students, so you also have that going for you. Overall, I would suggest applying as many places as you can and then choosing the best program.

🎤4 years ago

Thank you so much! :)) Best of luck to you in admissions too.


What are your chances of acceptance?
Your chance of acceptance
Duke University
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Your chancing factors
Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


Low accuracy (4 of 18 factors)

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