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3 years ago
School List Suggestions

Rushing in College and Uni (Sororities)

Hi everyone!

I wanted to get some advice on rushing sororities in college and university. I am currently a high school senior (Class of '22).

I am definitely interested in rushing at schools on my school list but I have no idea where to start or what to do!

Does anyone, particularly girls, have any general advice on Greek Life?

Thanks so much!

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3 years ago

Hi @laurenvannwells - I didn't participate in Greek Life in college, but have some general advice that might help:

1. For the schools that you're interested in, check to see if CollegeVine has a current student panel video for that school. Often times the panel discusses Greek Life, so that could be a good starting point.

2. Identify the type of Greek Life you're looking for. I believe Greek Life can have different vibes at different schools, so if Greek Life is super important to you, it'll be a good idea to make sure the schools you apply to have Greek Life opportunities that match your values and what you're looking for.

3. After you figure out where you are going to attend college next year, there will likely be plenty of ways to find out about Greek Life, rushing schedules, and requirements for sororities at that specific school. Rushing typically happens at the beginning of a semester, and schools have different rules for when a student can rush (example: at some schools freshmen aren't allowed to participate in Greek Life.)


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