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3 years ago
School List Suggestions

What are the majors, minors, and/or fields of interest(s) you guys are interested in? Why?

Whether you're an upcoming undergraduate, pursuing a doctoral degree, or a proactive middle-schooler, I'm really interested in getting insight into your passions!

Personally, I plan on studying Philosophy, Psychology, Neuroscience, and the like because I believe that in order to decipher our ever-evolving, extrinsic unknowns—the nature of reality, the nature of the universe, etc.—we must first decipher ourselves. Plus, I love their memes :P

I look forward to reading your responses! :)

You can earn an 🚀 Above and Beyond award if the original poster thinks your reply takes the conversation to the next level!
3 years ago

I really love languages and learning about different cultures so I want to double major in Anthropology and Linguistics! I have a habit of trying to learn too many languages at once haha.

🎤3 years ago

I love learning languages too! I've been trying to learn Spanish and Mandarin on Duolingo hehe. Oooooh, do you plan on traveling a bunch? I love visiting other countries! If you do, where would you like to go most?

3 years ago

I’m also learning Spanish through Duolingo! I’ve always wanted a study buddy for languages but I have no idea how to find someone to study with or how that would work :’( Yes, I plan on traveling as much as I can!! I’d love to visit Korea, China, Spain, Brazil, London and honestly anywhere hehe! Do you plan on traveling a lot?

🎤3 years ago

Yes! I really hope I get the chance to explore! I wanna visit as many national parks as I can, and possibly participate in some Buddhist or otherwise spiritual retreats.


3 years ago

I will be pursuing a degree in Dental Hygiene which I hope will help me to start my career then after working as a Dental Hygienist I will go back to school to get a law degree or forensic science degree.

🎤3 years ago

Oooh! I heard dentistry is a great field for moola :) I’m also interested in law! I used to have a sweatshirt that imitated the font of and said “Harvard Law”. Below it, in small font, was “Just Kidding :)”. I loved that sweatshirt. xD

3 years ago

I love that! I hope you are able to pursue law!


3 years ago

I am really interested (as of now) in pretty much the same things as you- Neuroscience and Psychology (not so much on the Philosophy aspect). I also love Biology. I just fell in love with the brain and I am now in the process of going more into it with a school project. Now that I come to think of it, I was always fascinated by the workings of the brain and behavior....or maybe it could be my mom's influence (she is a Psychiatric RN)!

🎤3 years ago

Yes! It’s so nice to meet a kindred spirit! Also, it’s great that your mom is a well-trained professional in the field :)


3 years ago

A little late to the conversation, but I'm interested in either linguistics or speech/language pathology. Basically I'm interested in how communication works and different languages. I'm still in high school so I'm not sure what path I'll go down, but I do know that I have a language learning addiction!

🎤3 years ago

Ahhh! This is such a coincidence that I happened to check CollegeVine today :000 I spent nearly the whole day practicing Spanish and Mandarin on Duolingo! I also find languages—specifically their syntaxes—super interesting; it’s so neat to compare and contrast different languages to get a bit of insight into the native peoples’ culture and values. It’s the little nuances and small pieces of the puzzle which usually speak volumes :) Anywho, good luck with your studies! :D (Just a side note for anyone interested in learning Mandarin if you’re originally an English-speaker—or vice versa—the two languages structures/rules/etc are pretty different. So, expect to commit a decent chunk of your time into your studies. Okay byeeeee :D)


3 years ago

I've always loved medicine growing up because I find that in the medical field there's always something new to learn and you never really stop learning. I plan on majoring in either nursing or biology. I'd like to in the future become an OB-GYN or an OB-GYN nurse.

🎤3 years ago

The medical field is such and honorable and rewarding career cluster! It's wonderful to meet someone with such a thirst for knowledge :) I actually took a Sports Medicine class during my Junior year, and it was so cool! I might even delve into medicine one day if my plan to attain a Phd in Philosophy and live as a hobo or a full-time McDonald's employee doesn't pan out ;) Best of luck!


3 years ago

I am really interested in majoring in Industrial Engineering and maybe minoring in CS if that's possible? I'm kind of interested in business so Industrial Engineering is a way for me to do that!

🎤3 years ago

Awesome! I didn't even realize that existed! But I did a bit of Googling and it sounds like a real treat :) It centers around the relationship between humans and technology and their productivity, right? If I'm understanding it right, then I think I need to learn a thing or two from you lol ;D Panda's are my spirit animal: They're Asian, they eat and sleep all day, their diet consists of 99% greens, and a group of them are called an "embarrassment" lol. Anywho, I love meeting fellow MCU fans; I hope you enjoy Eternals!! :D

3 years ago

oooh yes!! i am going to watch eternals this coming friday, i've heard mixed things but hopefully i'll like it!! and yeah you're pretty much right about industrial engineering!


3 years ago

I love robotics and I want to get my degree in mechanical engineering.

🎤3 years ago

I wanted to get involved in my school's Robotics Club so bad!! Unfortunately, it just didn't mesh well with my schedule :( But it's so cool how you're going to be contributing to the evolution of 'intelligence'! I've recently been introduced to the field, "Cyberpsychology". It's pretty self-explanatory, but I just find it so interesting how emergent technologies will completely transform philosophical thought and the like. Anywho, that was just a fleshed-out version of saying: "Hey, if you're interested, come check this out!" Little do I know, I may have just rambled on to the next Iron Man! ;D (Just a random brain-barf comment: I'm so excited for Eternals!! Ahhhh :P) Sorry about this sporadic response heheh; all in all, I just wanted to wish you good luck on your endeavors :) Peace!

3 years ago

That's so cool!!! And I am so excited for Eternals as well even though the critics didn't exactly love it.

🎤3 years ago

Yesss! I think my family plans on watching it today! So excitedddd :)


3 years ago

I’m really interested in the humanities, and I want to be a professor and write research papers and publish books and the like someday! The only problem is that I have too many passions and I can’t decide what I want to teach/major in. I’m stuck between history, psychology, literature, and linguistics, but some evil part of me wants to say “screw this” and major in astronomy :)

🎤3 years ago

Heyo! Sorry for such a late response! But, oh gosh, I get your dilemma; I wouldn't want to potentially sacrifice any of my interests either. I guess it would partially boil down between how you value personal growth vs. career growth. As a very surface-level analysis, studying psychology + linguistics would provide for an excellent foundation in both your personal/professional pursuits; however, it may leave you with more ambiguous job prospects (at least in the beginning) because you might not have the specialized knowledge/skills lot of "entry-level" jobs look for in people out of college. However, your interest in history and literature meshes wonderfully with the other two subjects:

Psychology + Linguistics = Establishes the strong foundation you need to succeed; develops more abstract skills

History + Literature = Essentially provides the rinse-and-repeat knowledge you would need in order to qualify as an educator in the subjects; gets you familiar with more tangible stuffs.

The best part, though, is if you manage to get an in-depth, well-rounded education in all four subjects, then HOLY CHEESECAKES! It'll be so fun to see the psychology in history, the history in linguistics, the literature in psychology, etc.!!! Sorry, it's almost my bed-time, I'm just brain barfing over here heheheh, but I hope when you read this you kinda get what I'm trying to say (If I'm being honest I don't really remember what I'm trying to say lol)

OH! I just looked back at your original comment and I saw the "But some evil part of me wants to say 'screw this' and major in astronomy :)" HECK YEA! MOONROCKS AND BLACK HOLES ARE WHERE ITS AT! (Random factoid, I stargaze almost every night :D) Now I'm thinking about Einstein's theory of relativity I think I need to go to sleeep goodnight world. I'll come back to this thread in the morning and probably get embarrassed after reading my shenanigans and apologize okay byee :DDD

🎤3 years ago

Previous reply = A tangible representation of my decent into madness :)))


3 years ago

For me it’s double majoring in music and public relations. I would love to work in the music industry in some capacity and music has been my life. I also really love songwriting and would love to do that to.


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