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3 years ago
School List Suggestions


My name is Valentina Aomi and I am sophomore in High school.

I have an Unweighted 4.0 gpa and I want to be prepared for college right now so i dont stress about it during my junior or senior year. How does applying for colleges work? is it a requirement to take the ACT or SAT? What is common app?

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3 years ago

First of all, I think you are already set for colleges with your GPA. Try to keep it up in 11th grade. SAT and ACT are not always required, it depends on the colleges you are applying to, so what you can do is search up colleges you want to apply to saying if they require it or no. And one advice I would give is, start doing extra curricular activities. It looks great in your resume. For example, joining clubs, doing community service hours; basically gaining leadership skills. You can start your own club if you want; I started my own club in freshman year til middle of my sophomore year. I am a senior now, and I am planning on starting another one soon.

Common App is basically where you can submit 20 college applications. If you want to apply on private school I suggest you use common app because it makes the process much more easier. And for SUNY and CUNY use their own site.

🎤3 years ago

Thank you for you help and the advice :)


3 years ago

Hey girl! I'm Hope and I'm a sophomore also. Most universities are going test optional until the class of 2024, but I would suggest you do your own research since I don't know what university you are applying to. I don't know much about the Common App because I'm applying to UC schools only. All the people on this thread may be able to assist you with the Common App! I wish you the best of luck. ❤️

🎤3 years ago

Thank you Hope! I researched after you commented and the schools i want to apply which is mostly an ivy, doesn't require act or sat until 2024 so THANK YOU! i hope you have a great day


3 years ago

I want to add if you don’t know there are essays that you have to write for applying to college. You should start these essays during the summer after junior year, but you can do some research on them now if you would like. Also side note, if you haven’t already, try taking leadership roles in your extracurricular activities and creating your own incentives as these look really good to colleges.

🎤3 years ago

thank you much for the insight!


3 years ago

It's not a requirement to take the ACT or SAT, but they help show you how prepared you are for college and do boost your admission application so I would say you should take one of them, but you don't have to. What you should really do is check to see whether the colleges that you want to apply to require the test scores or not.

Common App is pretty much a site that helps you apply to several schools at once. You put in a boatload of information, but then all you have to do is put in the name of the colleges you want to apply to, pay the application fee, and every college on that list has just been applied to.

🎤3 years ago

Thank you so much for your help!


What are your chances of acceptance?
Your chance of acceptance
Duke University




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Your chancing factors
Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


Low accuracy (4 of 18 factors)

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