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3 years ago
School List Suggestions

Where and what should I study if i want to major in health sciences in Texas?

I am a junior in Frisco, Texas. I planned to study Nursing in college for four years, although it wasn't really my first choice. My family has been going through some financial issues so i planned to study nursing for four years, become a registered nurse and then support myself through med school or wherever my interest lie at that time. But i realized my strength lied greatly in Psychology and biology, but there is no guarantee that i would get a good job to sponsor myself later,what do you recommend i do?

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3 years ago

I'm a sophomore in Allen, Texas and I suggest A&M. I know you may take this with a grain of salt seeing as I am younger than you, but their facilities are hands on, the tuition is lower than other health science studies, and the programs they offer are amazing. Also, reconsider on nursing because it takes a lot of mental foritude to become a nurse with what you have to deal with on a dialy basis. Another suggestion would be to discover other medical sub specialties that you enjoy. I would say a neurologist but it takes decades of studying to become one. Try and research things that you would enjoy learning. Would you like to become a speech pathoogist (they assist people with speaking problems and work closely with the brain to figure out why), consider becoming a teacher (of any level, college, professional, or high school) of psychology or biology. Some people have a knack for the subject but not actually practicing it and acting upon it. You could also become a clinician or a medical lab specialist or someone who analyzes those things. There are a variety of options for you. Also, I understand that because you have experienced financial instability, you are searching for a job that will not only suit your needs but keep you comfortable, so, try and reach out and discover. When looking for careers, try and find something that tailors specifically for you and then check the price tag. You might be surprised with all the hidden jobs the world has to offer.


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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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