3 years ago
School List Suggestions

confusion in choosing university

Hi, I'm from Malaysia. My parents wanted me to choose dermatology as my course but I was still confused whether to follow them or my wishes. In the end, everyone knows that their suggestion is the best but I will still accept it. So what do I need to do?

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3 years ago

Start small. What subjects do you enjoys in school, What kind of environment do you pictures yourself in, what can you never see yourself doing? Remember you are the one who has to live your life not your parents.

🎤3 years ago[edited]

Thanks for your feedback, I will try to do it.😊


3 years ago

Think about it this way, your parents aren't living your life for you so it would be best to follow your wishes. In the end, they aren't going to be doing the rigorous coursework and they aren't going to be the ones spending the rest of their life in dermatology so do what you want. In the end, your parent's honor or accpetance isn't what is going to get you through the hard days where you can't study or you find no motivation to do any work. You have to have your own, solidified reasons for doing pursuing a career in medicine because it takes so much for you. In college admissions, saying your parents wanted you to go into medicine isn't going to cut it with how selective they are. My parents wanted me to go into anesthesiology but I'm thinking of being a hyperbaric physician, cardiologist, or family medicine doctor. Do what you want because what you decide will be the future that you will be living, not anyone else.


3 years ago

It's a tough situation when your parents want something different from you. But you got to tho think about it like this. Are you going to school for them or you? I 100% think you should do what you want to do and follow your wishes. You have the power to accomplish anything. You should talk to your parents and tell them that you understand that they probably want the best for you but that doesn't mean what they want is what's best for you. You want to live life enjoying what you do not regret that you didn't follow your dreams. So, in my opinion, tell them that you want to do what you want to do and they should be able to support you in that whether they disagree or not. You got this!!


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