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3 years ago
School List Suggestions

Best Value School that is kind of selective.

My parents aren't doing to help pay for my college and I can't take on any loans, so I either need to get a full scholarship or go to a school with great financial aid. My parents expect me to go to a prestigious, selective school like Vanderbilt. I don't think I can get into a school that's that selective, but I think I can get into a school that's a little less selective. I was wondering if anybody know any colleges that are a little less selective and have great financial aid.

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3 years ago

Wake forest is good (like top 40 I believe) and they give a decent amount of merit scholarship, even up to full ride. Also, acceptance is about a 30% but 🤷🏽‍♀️. It depends on your idea of selective. A decent College with a 50-60 percent acceptance is Upitt - 64% and takes holistic look at merit aid, etc up to full ride


3 years ago

If they aren't at least helping to pay for it, they shouldn't complain about you not going to a school that you can't afford. I'm so sorry you have to deal with this. I would suggest applying to the prestigious schools anyways (if that's what you want) and applying for financial aid. Most prestigious schools cover a surprising amount based on academic history and income amount, I personally have a friend whose older brother has almost a full ride to Brown based on high school grades and income (along with other personal factors), but it's always worth a shot to apply and see. I hope this helps :)


3 years ago

UNC is an amazing school that is held with as much respect as ivys. It is a state school too so it is much more affordable


3 years ago

When you apply try for state scholarships too, and local business scholarships. If you can stack enough it will add up. Also look into FSEO grants.


What are your chances of acceptance?
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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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