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3 years ago
School List Suggestions

What to do about college

I am a high school junior with a current 4.0 GPA overall in high school. I was thinking of only going to my local community college, doing my 2 years, and being done, and since I want to be a state trooper, I only need my 2 years. But, my counselor told me that I have the potential for more but I don't really know if I should do any more than what I have planned. I do varsity soccer and wrestling, and I have taken 4 honors classes so far and will take about 4 college classes next year. What should I do?

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3 answers

Accepted Answer
3 years ago

If you know you want to be a state trooper and know you could get the job with two years of community college, I would do that. It would be so much cheaper and you would get the job more quickly. It just makes more sense than going to a 4 year school paying for it to get a degree you don't need.

3 years ago

If you get your associates degree (2 years), and decide you want to do more, you can always transfer to a 4 year school. You would simply start as a Junior I believe and get your bachelors in 2 years.

I would suggest taking some college classes next year in the field you plan on joining to see if you really like it. If so, then you’d be able to finish from community college earlier

3 years ago

I think that if you want to become a state trooper 2 years at a community college are all that you need. However, there could be some great programs that you might want to take at a regular college. If you have a 4.0 GPA and are taking honors classes you could probably get into a decent college. I hope this helps.

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Duke University




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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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