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3 years ago
School List Suggestions

12th grade course selection

I'm currently a junior with a 3.84 GPA. I've taken 2 AP classes, AP CS A and AP CS Principles. I got a 3 on AP CS A and a 2 on AP CS Principles, both of which I mostly self-studied for due to covid-19.

Currently, I'm taking APUSH, AP Physics 1. All of my other core classes have been honors classes, with the exception me taking English III, Pre-Calc, and World History instead of AP Lit and AP World.

Next year I'm going to be taking English IV, AP Calc BC, AP Physics C, AP Government, AP Macro, Independent Study in Technology Applications, Digital Engineering, an off period. Would it be more beneficial to take AP Psychology or AP Seminar?

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3 answers

3 years ago

I am also currently a junior and this year I am enrolled in both AP Seminar and AP Psychology. I took AP Lit my sophomore year and it was my teacher who really pushed me to take AP Seminar this year and if you enjoy research, presenting, and writing I would highly recommend. However if you do not enjoy deep levels of thinking and analyzing, I wouldn't take it. Personally AP Psychology has been my favorite course because I love courses that apply to real life and psychology is what I want to major in so I truly enjoy it. Since you are taking a large amount of rigorous courses already, a free period might be beneficial but if you are up for the challenge, I love both AP Seminar and AP Psych!

3 years ago

It honestly depends on your goals. Are you trying to be top in your class? What college are you aiming to get into? If you want to be top in your class take that extra AP class (as a future pre-med major I recommend taking AP Psychology). If you want to get into a college that has an average applicant GPA of 3.9 take that extra AP. I hope this helped.

3 years ago

Hi @anotherone!

That would really depend on your long-term academic goals.

Do you want to go into psychology or sociology? If so, then AP Psych is an easy choice. AP Seminar, meanwhile, is a great course that could be applicable to just about any field; it'll look even better if you follow it up with AP Research for the AP Capstone.

I think the self-driven learning and research experience you'd get from AP Seminar would go further on an application than AP Psych, which could look like just another AP course. However, if you're looking to go into psychology, or if you just prefer the subject, then AP psych would be the better option. Ultimately, you should go with the AP courses that you think you can excel in most and which best align with your interests.

Hope that helps! Let me know if you have any further questions.

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