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3 years ago
School List Suggestions

Questioning about mayjors.

I don't know a lot about college and all the fancy stuff you need to apply for it, I just finished freshman year, and I'm looking at colleges, so I don't have to worry later. There are three subjects I want to major in speech and rhetorical, acting, and philosophy. I am kind of stuck on those three. I love doing all of them, but I'm not sure if I can succeed at all three. So my question is which major would be the most effective for my future I love all three the equally, but I can't decide.

I know I still have time to decide but I need a someone else point of view so that when I start Sophomore year I'm ready and have my heart set on a major so its easier for me down the road and can start studding for it on my free time.


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1 answer

3 years ago

I understand the urge to be prepared and know what you will study in the future but don't limit yourself yet. You are only a sophomore, which means that you still have time to explore your passions and interests and figure out what you would like to do with your future. But as far as what majors would most likely help you succeed in the future, I would say probably philosophy or speech and rhetorical because they can be applied more broadly than acting can. (This of course also depends on what you consider success) Don't forget that in college you can have both a major and a minor, so it is possible for you to study two. Hope this helps!

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