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3 years ago
School List Suggestions

What are the LEAST LIKELY party schools?

This is one of the most important factors for me in finding a school I'm willing to attend, but it's a lot harder to find information about it. Can anyone recommend good schools with stricter policies that have less of a reputation for partying? I want to put myself in a positive, happy, non-hungover environment where people share my values.

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3 years ago

1. macalester college

it's not known to be a party school, and is affiliated with the Presbyterian Church

2. pepperdine university

can have some parites, but not known as a party school. parties are rare. it's affiliated with the churches of christ

3. st olaf college

known as a 'sober school'. not many parites. it is affiliated with Evangelical Lutheran Church in America.

4. baylor university

said that 'the parties don't find you.' people will get together and sometimes go out to bars, but its not known as a party school. it's a private christian university

I know it's a short list, but i hope this helps! any school you go to will most likely have some parties, but you can definitely find schools that don't! I tried my best to find non-party schools that were also somewhat christian. good luck! i hope this helps and i wish you the best! if you're looking into more schools, maybe try to contact a current student at the school to ask what the party scene is like, and they could give you their opinion - and keep in mind everyone's experience is different! good luck! :)


3 years ago

If you want to join a STEM heavy school that is highly ranked then CMU is the pick. Its said to be filled with workaholics and not a party school.


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