It depends on your situation really, if the cost of college is a significant concern for you then transferring from a community college would definitely be something to consider. You can get many prerequisites and other required classes done at a community college for a far lower price than at a university. You would want to make sure that any school you want to attend after community college is transfer-friendly though. Hope this helps!
It's a very strategic method especially considering in saving financially. You could take classes in a community and then transfer to a university which would count the credits of taken classes.
If you are already attending a community college, transferring to another if you are able to financially meet the criteria is a great decision. College costs dramatically decrease since you've already completed some of the classes and chances actually increase if you're in a state like California.
I believe so. Depending on your test scores and GPA it may be a great idea! I also think that Community College is an amazing way to save money, they are less expensive and, of course, easier to get in. You can get a high GPA and explore more your extracurriculars on a CC, and then, transfer to a bigger university! So yes, I think it's worth it!!
Can you give more context into the question?
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