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2 years ago
School List Suggestions

Double Major Art and Music, but where?

I want to double major Art (studio/fine arts) and music (theory and comp), but schools that seem to be good with one of those fails with the other. I would prefer to go somewhere with a decent marching band, or at least a close knit one. I want to leave KY but not go super far though, so its really hard to find somewhere that meets all those or even gets close without the school having like a 3% acceptance rate. I have decent scores but not amazing, and I never was able to take the SAT. I feel like im just always looking at the wrong things or in the wrong places so any help for what I should be phrasing my search or even school suggestions would be helpful.

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2 years ago

Hey there!

After reading your post, I wanted to suggest New York University (NYU) which may be a good fit for what you're looking for. It's known for having solid arts and performing programs, and many well-known musicians, actors/actresses, and artists have graduated from there. To double-major in Studio Art and Music, you'll need to apply to major in Studio Art at Steinhardt and declare a second major in Music at the College of Arts and Sciences (CAS) before your junior year. It's on the east coast in the heart of New York City, hopefully not too far for you and in addition, NYU's not ultra prestigious like Harvard or Princeton, boasting a doable acceptance rate of 21%. They're also test-optional for the upcoming admissions cycle so you won't have to worry about sending SAT scores. On the topic of marching bands, I'm going to assume that NYU at the very least HAS one, considering its numerous music groups/clubs, but I'll leave that research up to you. Hope that fits your criteria!

I'll attach the links to the mentioned majors here:

Happy searching!


2 years ago

I am not sure if you want a public university, but the University of Florida has a College of the Arts that focuses on music and art. Their art department has a good reputation. They also have a big marching band. I know because I am a band kid and I keep my eye out for stuff like that. Good luck in your search.


What are your chances of acceptance?
Your chance of acceptance
Duke University
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Your chancing factors
Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


Low accuracy (4 of 18 factors)

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