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2 years ago
School List Suggestions

Senior year 1st marking period counts ?

I am a senior in HS just about starting my application process . I did have food disorder in my Sophomore year snd the worst Junior back in person in school where everything looked extremely negative and I became an introvert ( border line depression) all in all it affected my grade. My Unweighted GPA fell from 4.0 to 3.52 . I am a singer , song writer , Varsity tennis school captain , NHS student , athlete etc. 4APs 12 Honors through my high school years , part of All Choirs , could have been more he choir officer if it didn’t conflict with Varsity Tennis-student , I am doing much better now and hoping to get my unweighted GPA up to at least a 3.9 or 4.0, let’s see . I finally agreed to attempt ACT as my focus levels were off and managed a 27 . How bad is my profile for top colleges , will my senior year 1st marking period results count in my application process . I will be giving my ACT again end of Oct. pls advice. I do plan to apply test optional if I can’t do any better in ACT.

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2 answers

2 years ago

An unweighted GPA of +3.9 will be competitive for top colleges, along with Varsity tennis and singing. Taking 4 APs will be competitive if your school only offers about that amount, since colleges care about students maximizing their rigor given their circumstances. If your school offered 18 APs, for example, then you would want to start taking more AP classes. You'll also want to apply test optional unless you score at least a 33 on the ACT.

Hope this helps!

2 years ago

Many top colleges allow you to submit mid-term grades from your senior year. This gives you a chance to demonstrate that you're trying to improve. Your ECs are pretty good.

Applicants to top colleges usually have more APs, but that can't be changed now. However, one thing you can do is explain how the "food disorder" and "introversion" affected your grades.

For the ACT, you should apply test-optional to top colleges if your new score is less than 34. For most non-top colleges, 32 should work, but refer the common data set for those before deciding anything.

Hope this helps!

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Your chance of acceptance
Duke University




+ add school
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


Low accuracy (4 of 18 factors)

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