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2 years ago
School List Suggestions

Pre-med Schools

I was wondering what good premed schools there are. My AP Chem teacher told me not to trust the online lists because they aren't accurate. He apparently went to one of the schools that was ranked high on the list but wasn't that great. It was overly competitive and there wasn't enough support. I was wondering which premed schools do have good support.

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2 years ago

Penn State, Thomas Jefferson University, BU, Stony Brook(compared to being up there with the Ives) are just a few. I'm also going into pre-med, so I've been looking at schools based on their opportunities outside the classroom, past alum experiences, what the schools offer based on their programs, etc.

What is really helpful is College Board's Student Service, where you answer several questions based on your future career. From there, colleges that offer pre-med or any medical related majors/opportunities get in contact with you via email. There are so many colleges out there that I never knew existed until I received those emails and did research on them.

Doing research is better than searching lists of the best schools. Ultimately, you will end up choosing a school that makes you happy. Hope this helps! :)


2 years ago

I'm also interested in a pre-med track. When looking at colleges and attending fairs, you can get into med school regardless of your major, so do what you're passionate about. All schools have some type of career advising office that will help fill your requirements as an applicant to med school even if you're applying for a specific honors program that you have assured admission to the medical school the college offers. In addition, look at the internship/research/club opportunities the college has for STEM students.


2 years ago

uf has a good one Ive heard


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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


Low accuracy (4 of 18 factors)

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