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2 years ago
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Transfer advice-transfer from community college or non-selective four year school?

I am looking for higher admissions rates into competitive colleges, and opportunities to make academic and extracurricular profile stronger. I am in this situation because I apparently needed a cold realization in senior year to 'wake up'. Transfer rates are higher at extra competitive colleges for colleges, but four year ones are more rigorous, right? Thank you

Right now I am a high school senior thinking that my chances would be better if I used a four year or community college to essentially 'compensate' for things like 'wow' factors by adding another two to four years of growth.

What would be optimal would be if I could go to a good, selective four year, then at least have a very good chance of going to a more selective place. I want to feel I accomplished something, overcame an obstacle, and now am master of my own fate because I have a second shot.

Also, I know this plan could be a little too expensive. Unrealistically?

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1 answer

2 years ago

I think that the best path forward would be getting into one of the top state schools in your area. Your state schools will be cheaper than other four-year colleges, and any of them that ranks highly in your state will make you a competitive applicant to the more selective private colleges. The top schools unfortunately take few community college transfer applicants, so I would save CC as a safety option in case you do not get into a good state school. Hope this helps!

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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
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